PDF documents detailing available economic incentives:
Economic and Tax Incentives
The state sales/use tax rate is 2.9%
Colorado’s corporation income tax rate is a flat 4.63%.
Property Tax Information
Property taxes are administered by the county in which the property is located.
Investment Tax Credit
Businesses making investments in equipment used exclusively in an enterprise zone which would have qualified for the pre-1986 federal investment tax credit may claim a credit against their Colorado income taxes equal to 3 percent of the amount of the investment, subject to limitations on the amount which can be claimed in any one year.
Job Training Credit
Employers who carry out a qualified job training program for their enterprise zone employees may claim an income tax credit of 10 percent of their eligible training costs.
Manufacturing and Mining Sales and Use Tax Credit
When machinery is used solely and exclusively in an enterprise zone, the standard statewide manufacturing/ machinery exemption is broader:
Machinery used solely and exclusively in a designated enterprise zone does not have to be capitalized to qualify for the exemption.
Materials for construction or repair of machinery or machine tools are exempt from the state sales and use tax if the machinery is used exclusively in an enterprise zone.
Mining operations are included in the definition of manufacturing when performed in an enterprise zone.
New Business Facility (NBF) Jobs Credit
Businesses hiring new employees in connection with a “new business facility” located in an enterprise zone may claim a tax credit against state income taxes of $500 for each such employee. An expansion of an existing facility may be considered a “new business facility” if the expansion adds at least 10 employees or a 10 percent increase over the previous annual average, if it is at least $1 million in investment, or, if less, at least doubles the original investment in the facility.
Enhanced Rural Enterprise Zone (EREZ)
Beginning January 1, 2003, the NBF Jobs Credit offers an additional credit of $2,000 per new job for New Business Facilities located in a designated Enhanced Rural Enterprise Zone.
Manufacturing Revenue Bonds
The Manufacturing Revenue Bond Program provides favorable tax-exempt Private Activity Bond financing targeted to small manufacturers in Colorado. The program provides for the financing of real estate, machinery, and equipment associated with expansion projects specific to manufacturers.
Local Government Property Tax Incentives (Business Incentive Agreements)
The Colorado Urban and Rural Enterprise Zone Act and House Bill 02-1399 enable local governments, at their discretion, to provide property tax credits or incentive payments (‘Business Incentive Agreements’ or ‘BIA’s’) based on the amount of increased property taxes for qualifying new business activity in their jurisdictions.
Job Creation Performance Incentive Fund (PIF)
The Job Creation Performance Incentive Fund (PIF) provides a performance-based incentive payment to qualifying companies that have created net new jobs paying above average wages. The program is designed to support and encourage new business development, business expansions and relocations that have generated new jobs throughout the state.
Colorado FIRST
Colorado First grants are for companies that are relocating to Colorado or existing companies that are undertaking a major expansion.
Existing Industry Customized Training Programs
Existing Industry grants are designed for Colorado companies that are implementing new technology to remain competitive and keep jobs in Colorado. Approved training is for transferable job skills that support both the company’s economic competitiveness by re-training its workers in new skills, while enhancing the workers’ resumes and long-term employment opportunities.
Certified Capital Companies (CAPCO) Program
The CAPCO Program was created by the Colorado Legislature with the goal of making venture capital funds available to new or expanding small businesses throughout Colorado.
Enhanced Rural Enterprise Zone (EREZ)
Beginning January 1, 2003, the NBF Jobs Credit offers an additional credit of $2,000 per new job for New Business Facilities located in a designated Enhanced Rural Enterprise Zone.
Manufacturing Revenue Bonds
The Manufacturing Revenue Bond Program provides favorable tax-exempt Private Activity Bond financing targeted to small manufacturers in Colorado. The program provides for the financing of real estate, machinery, and equipment associated with expansion projects specific to manufacturers.
Local Government Property Tax Incentives (Business
Incentive Agreements)
The Colorado Urban and Rural Enterprise Zone Act and House Bill 02-1399 enable local governments, at their discretion, to provide property tax credits or incentive payments (‘Business Incentive Agreements’ or ‘BIA’s’) based on the amount of increased property taxes for qualifying new business activity in their jurisdictions.
Job Creation Performance Incentive Fund (PIF)
The Job Creation Performance Incentive Fund (PIF) provides a performance-based incentive payment to qualifying companies that have created net new jobs paying above average wages. The program is designed to support and encourage new business development,
business expansions and relocations that have generated new jobs throughout the state.
Colorado FIRST
Colorado First grants are for companies that are relocating to Colorado or existing companies that are undertaking a major expansion.
Existing Industry Customized Training Programs
Existing Industry grants are designed for Colorado companies that are implementing new technology to remain competitive and keep jobs in Colorado. Approved training is for transferable job skills that support both
the company’s economic competitiveness by re-training its workers in new skills, while enhancing the workers’ resumes and long-term employment opportunities.
Certified Capital Companies (CAPCO) Program
The CAPCO Program was created by the Colorado Legislature with the goal of making venture capital funds available to new or expanding small businesses throughout Colorado.